In Naturopathic Treatment, we uses five elements to cure all the body ailments in form of Treatments. Naturopathy medicine employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural", "non-invasive", or promoting "self-healing".
Neti Kriya is a nasal cleansing technique that clears the sinuses, alleviates headaches, and tones optic nerves to improve vision.
It is intended mainly to the cleaning of the digestive tract in its full length.
Basti is a Hatha Yoga technique used to cleanse the digestive system.
Nauli purifies the digestive organs, including the small intestine, through circular movements of the abdominal muscles.
Kapal Bhati, also known as 'breath of fire,' combines kapal (skull) and bhati (shining) in Sanskrit.
Trataka is a yogic purification and meditation technique involving focused gazing at a single point, such as a small object or candle flame.